The Tien Giang Wind Power Joint Stock Company – Gia Lai Wind Power Joint Stock Company (Thanh Thanh Cong Group) is the investor behind the Tan Phu Dong wind power plant project. PC1 has been appointed as the EPC general contractor for the project (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) phase. This comprehensive role encompasses a wide array of responsibilities, including the provision of legal services, the execution of technical and detailed design processes, and the supply and installation of underground cable systems. Additionally, PC1 is tasked with the design, supply, construction, and operational management of both 110kV and 33kV substations and transmission lines. The scope of work further extends to the procurement, construction, development, manufacturing, installation, testing, and operational commencement, culminating in the Commercial Operation Date (COD) for the wind power facility. The project’s timeline was set with the commencement in March 2021 and aimed for achieving COD before the deadline of October 31, 2021.

In the face of challenging conditions and amidst the fourth severe wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that disrupted societal norms, the company successfully secured the necessary resources, equipment, and mobilized a skilled workforce. PC1 developed an effective construction strategy that adhered to stringent epidemic prevention protocols, thereby maintaining the integrity and timely progression of the project in line with the established schedule.

Throughout the critical phase, PC1 Group rallied a formidable team of 600 laborers, engineers, and specialists who dedicated themselves to the task at hand, working tirelessly to achieve the set objectives. This concerted effort led to the rapid construction of vital infrastructure, including the erection of 62 pillars, the laying of 17.6 kilometers of 110KV electrical lines, the installation of 12 power generation turbines, along with numerous support structures.

Upon completion, activation, and operation, the project is poised to generate an impressive annual electricity output of 161 million kWh, which will significantly impact approximately 25,000 households. Moreover, it will contribute to environmental sustainability by cutting down CO2 emissions by an estimated 140,000 tons annually, marking a substantial stride in the reduction of the carbon footprint.