Supply control, protection, auxiliary system, and FR/PMU/ PQ system for 110kV substation. Confgurate SCADA system, computer-based control system, and Siemens FR/PQ/PMU system with protocols such as IEC 61850, Modbus,… Coordinate for Point-to-Point and End-to-End commissioning of FR/PQ/PMU and SCADA system by IEC 60870-5-104 HMI/SCADA software: SICAM PAS by Siemens- Connect all informations, signals to the OCCs, NLDC (A0), CRLDC (A3) by IEC60870-5-104 protocol.
Coordinate with NLDC (A0), CRLDC (A3), and Power Plant for Point-to-Point and End-to-End commissioning.
Our scope in 2nd Stage: Confguration for connection between 110kV CSCS system with GE Wind Power system (WindCONTROL, WindSCADA). COD (Commercial Operation Day) testing with NLDC (A0), CRLDC (A3) and Power Plant. HMI/SCADA software: ZENON by COPA-DATA